Damage and Vandalism in the Parish

Damage and Vandalism costs in the Parish

Vandalism is a continuing problem in the parish, and it costs the council both time and money to repair and fix things that have been damaged. Money that comes out of the precpet (council tax), that should be spent fulfilling other jobs and upgrading the parish. This is a record of some of the damage and vandalism that has occurred and the money/time it costs to rectify it each time...

Image of the damaged bin at Charnwood Recreation Ground


Newton-Charnwood Recreation Ground


 Vandalised and lifted from the ground (twice).

Cost to repair:

Hours for Parish Ranger to repair- 1.5hrs

Concrete to weigh down bin- £26

Broken window at the phone box in Newton


Newton-Defibrillator phone box on Main Street


 Pane of glass broken

Cost to repair:

Hours for Parish Ranger to make safe until repair -  30 mins

Pane of glass and additional parts - £38.02

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